Tuesday, 3 January 2017

Location Recce - Tonbridge Park

3rd January 2017

After storyboarding, we as a group knew we had to start looking and scouting out the locations that we wanted to film the different scenes in and knew we would have to shoot these in various natural lighting in order to fully test each one.

We also thought about props we would use to make the scene look more realistic as well as fitting with the colour palette that we made for the opening and genre of comedy drama.

This would help in the long run as it gave us a clear and set idea of where we would be shooting and how it would look on camera in our final opening.

The first location that can be seen in our opening is one of the teenage girl protagonist who will be sat on the edge of the bench shown.
On the left, is our first choice as the background has neutral colours as well as a slight interjection of the colour palette, however extremely subtly in the corner, we thought it seemed effective.
We had also planned for 2 children to rush past during the zoom in shot of this scene, and realised the path may be useful for this.

We then took some example shots including a member of the group to exemplar how the actor playing our protagonist would look on the day or whilst shooting.

This helped as we could see how the scene may look after shooting as well as allowing us to test the exact position of our actor within the frame and also the rule of thirds that we want.

As well as this, we decided to make a short video explaining the issue of shadow from the sun, including an examplar clip of the bench.

As a group, we found a similar bench, also inside Tonbridge Park. This particular scene included the background of trees which we originally desired, and also made the location more obvious as the gate in the distance is a clear semantic example of a park.

As part of our sound palette, the group decided on having ambient background noise of a park. This will play at the start of the film opening over a blank screen before cutting to the first scene of our protagonist on the park bench. Below, is an example of the type of ambient sound we want in our final piece.

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