Locations - Park, Alleyway, Bedroom
We plan to recce all of these places to find the best area to film. For example, we want the bedroom to be messy as a stereotypical teen may have it, especially one that is involved in the world of drugs. However, we realised that we can't keep the room too dark as the comedic genre will be a lot less obvious, and the credits shown may be limited due to lighting.
Initial ideas for a park would be Tonbridge Park;
- Easy to access - an allowance to film would be necessary
- Has benches and wide spaces
- Looks like a park
- Would give natural diegetic ambient sound
- ambient sound - park - diegetic
- child screams comically - diegetic
- credit music starts playing - continue to end - non diegetic
Shots - long shot of protagonist on a park bench
- zoom into eye
- pan around bedroom - zooming into packets, drugs, dirty room etc with credits on
Colour Palette - light - comedic contrast to drugs
Through the use of young actors - contrast of harsh world of drugs and young children playing
- child runs past screaming
- actor sits on bench - no reaction
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